© 2025 — Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists


James Alan Zotter was a charter member of the Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists, Inc. He, along with Floyd McDonald, Max Courtney and Bill McClain, with assistance from Wild Turkey, laid the groundwork for founding the Association during the American Academy of Forensic Science meeting in St. Louis, Missouri in February 1977. Jim was instrumental in the formation and early organizational efforts of the Association.

James Zotter was in charge of the Serology section of the Houston Police Department Crime Laboratory. Jim had a Master of Science degree in immunology and was working toward his Ph.D. in biochemistry.

During the fall 1980 meeting in Houston, Jim served as co-host and worked as the Exhibit Chairman, despite battling recurrent cancer at the time. He died in July 1981. In his memory, the James Alan Zotter Memorial Award is given to the member whose dedication to the Association best exemplifies the devotion felt by Jim to SWAFS and to the advancement of forensic science.

The award is given during the fall meeting each year to any regular member of the Association who displays outstanding dedication and contribution to SWAFS and forensic science.

Nominees will be selected, by the Board of Directors, based on his/her accomplishments in advancing the goals of the Association and the field of forensic science.