© 2025 — Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists


The Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists was founded in February of 1977. James Alan Zotter, Floyd McDonald, Max Courtney, and Bill McClain founded the organization, with assistance from Wild Turkey, during the American Academy of Forensic Science meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Through the drafted By-Laws, the organization’s purpose can be described as such:

Excerpt from By-Laws




This organization shall be known as the Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists,
Incorporated, a non-profit corporation, referred to hereinafter as the Association. This
Association is formed for the following reasons:

(a) To provide an association for persons who are actively engaged in the profession of
scientific examination of physical evidence in an organized body so that the profession of
all of its disciplines may be effectively and scientifically practiced.

(b) To exchange information among forensic scientists to improve techniques.

(c) To encourage research in forensic science.

(d) To keep its members apprised of the latest techniques and discoveries in forensic

(e) The Association shall be limited to such activities as fall within the scientific and
educational purposes as prescribed by Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(f) Conflict of Interest Statement: The members of the Southwestern Association of
Forensic Scientists, Inc., resolve that no member of our organization shall participate in
any discussion or vote on any matter in which he or she or any member of his or her
immediate family has potential conflict of interest due to having material economic
involvement regarding the matter being discussed. When such a situation presents itself,
the member must announce his or her potential conflict, disqualify him or herself, and be
excused from the meeting until discussion is over on the matter involved. The President
of the meeting is expected to make inquiry if such conflict appears to exist and the
member has not made it known.

The Association shall be operated as a not-for-profit organization, and the powers of the
Association shall be vested in its membership. No net earnings shall be distributed at any time to
anyone. Upon dissolution any and all assets remaining of the Association shall be donated to a
similar organization of like intent and purpose.

SWAFS Wallpaper