© 2025 — Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists

NFLIS-DRUG 2018 Midyear Report

The National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) is a program of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Diversion Control Division . NFLISDrug systematically collects drug identification results and associated information from drug cases submitted to and analyzed by Federal, State, and local forensic laboratories . These laboratories analyze controlled and noncontrolled substances secured in law enforcement operations across the country, making NFLIS-Drug an important resource in monitoring illicit drug use and trafficking, including the diversion of legally manufactured pharmaceuticals into illegal markets . NFLISDrug includes information on the specific substance and the characteristics of drug evidence, such as purity, quantity, and drug combinations . These data are used to support drug scheduling efforts and to inform drug policy and drug enforcement initiatives nationally and in local communities around the country .

NFLIS-Drug is a comprehensive information system that includes data from forensic laboratories that handle the Nation’s drug analysis cases . The NFLIS-Drug participation rate, defined as the percentage of the national drug caseload represented by laboratories that have joined NFLIS, is currently more than 98% . NFLIS-Drug includes 50 State systems and 104 local or municipal laboratories/laboratory systems, representing a total of 283 individual laboratories . The NFLIS-Drug database also includes Federal data from DEA and U .S . Customs and Border Protection (CBP) laboratories . T

his publication presents the results of drug cases submitted to State and local laboratories from January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2018, that were analyzed by September 30, 2018 . Data from Federal laboratories are also included in this publication . The data presented in this publication include all drugs mentioned in the laboratories’ reported drug items .

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